The Purpose of Building Inspections in NYC

by | Jan 2, 2014 | Construction and Maintenance


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New York City is a hub for business professionals and those interested in the arts. With a high population for such a small area, new buildings constantly go up to provide residential and commercial space. There are also older building renovations that take place in order to open businesses or add apartments. New York City has strict building codes and requires that inspections take place on all new construction, renovations, and existing structures. Professionals who conduct a building inspection in NYC often have an engineering degree and certificates in the field of inspections.

Safety Inspections for New Construction

Contractors working on new construction must undergo a number of different inspections during the building process. The city will not provide building permits without an inspection, and inspectors will visit throughout the construction process to ensure that safety standards are met and that there are no violations of the current building code.

Part of a building inspection in NYC for new construction also involves ensuring that the people around the construction site are safe. If contractors are working over public sidewalks, the inspector will ensure proper measures are taken to protect people who may walk near the construction site. When you notice sidewalk sheds, structures that people walk through near a construction site, you’ll know that an inspector considered it unsafe for pedestrians to walk near the construction site without protection.

Inspections for Renovations

The city will require inspections for renovations. The inspector will insure that the building is safe for renovation, check for any gas leaks, and confirm that the structural integrity of the building makes it acceptable for renovations. Once the contractor finishes the renovation, the inspector will return to check that all safety features are in place and working. This includes, but is not limited to, a fire sprinkler system, smoke alarms, and proper fire escape routes for all floors of the building.

Inspections for Vacant Buildings

Sometimes a building inspection in NYC takes place for an abandoned building. If the city gets complaints about a vacant building, it may send an inspector out to see what’s wrong. If a vacant building falls into disrepair, an inspector will visit and the city may require that the building owner pay fines or repair the building to avoid penalties. It’s important that the city maintain a strict building code in order to prevent New York City from becoming rundown and building owners are required to follow the codes to avoid penalties.

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