Pipe Fittings are one of the essential components of any type of water or natural gas line. Without the right type of fitting, the potential for a system failure is much greater. For anyone who is faced with the task of securing the best fittings for the job, here are some tips that will help with the process.
Matching the Material
A good place to begin the search for the ideal Pipe Fittings is with the materials used for the rest of the equipment. Fittings are available in a wide range of metals and alloys. These include iron, steel, copper, and brass. Thanks to the enhancements with different types of plastics over the last two decades, it is also possible to invest in fittings made with PVC and several other polymer blends. For the most part, it pays to purchase a replacement fitting that is made from the same materials as the previous one. When the project involves the creation of a brand new line, try to match the type of fitting with the material being used for all the other parts. This means if the new plumbing system for a home is using mainly plastic for the pipe sections, it makes sense to use fittings made with the same plastic.
How the Fittings Will Be Used
Understanding the role that the fittings will perform also makes a difference. Pressure fittings are typically used when there is the need to force fluid through a section of the system. A good example is the fittings used to join the pipes connected to a shower head. The right choice helps to maintain the pressure necessary to force the water through the head at the desired rate. By contrast, the shower drain will not require pressure since the goal is to allow gravity to control the flow of water. With the latter application, the type of fitting would be a drain waste vent.
Whatever type of fitting is needed, check with Ameriflexhoses.com to find the right type. Doing so will ensure the fitting has undergone the proper testing and met with all industry standards. Once in place, the fitting will offer excellent service for many years to come.