4 Ways for Better, Cleaner Indoor Air

by | Oct 8, 2015 | Air Conditioning


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Air pollution isn’t just found outside of the home. Whether the is air polluted by dust, fire-retardants and chemicals from fragrances, along with radon, it’s inside your home too. Had new furniture delivered recently? It could come with a lot of dust mites. Bought a new can of paint for the walls? You could have brought along major allergens with the paint.

Given that more and more people these days spend their time indoors, it’s important to find a way to combat indoor air pollution. Here are a few simple steps from on how you could take measures to improve your home’s indoor air quality:

1 . Regularly clean your floors. Wipe the dust regularly. Mop up the floor too with a good cleaning solution. And use foot mats to your advantage. Dirt often get inside the home because people track mud and dust in. To keep them at a minimum, provide foot mats in every entrance point around the house.

2 . Watch the humidity level. Dust mites and mold can’t live without moisture. So make sure the humidity level inside your home doesn’t encourage dust mites and mold to breed. Humidity has to be at about 30 – 50 percent to ensure allergens don’t get out of control. One way to create those temperature settings is to use your AC. If your AC is broken, better get an ac repair service to remedy the situation right away.

3 . Indoor air quality testing. Aside from getting your ac repaired, conducting an indoor air quality testing should be part of your list as well. This way, you can check if the quality of your indoor air is good or not. And if not, then to find out what’s causing it. One probable reason could, of course, be the broken ac. But if that turns out to be just one of the problems, then requesting for a thorough indoor air quality testing is wise.

4 . Ban smoking. One way to keep your indoor air quality fresh is to stop smoking inside your house. This way, you won’t be leaving the air inside your home for your kids and family to breathe in. Given how airtight most spaces are, you’re not just polluting the air, you could be making a lot of your family sick. If you can’t give up the smokes just yet, then do it a good distance away from your home.

These are just 4 ways to help you keep your indoor air good and clean. By following these tips, you and your family can enjoy cleaner, better air inside your home.

Need indoor air quality testing? Smith’s Air Conditioning, Inc offers air quality testing services to help you and your family achieve cleaner, better air! Call us today for a quote! To know more, follow us on Twitter.

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